Regional Transport Pinch Point Program

Regional Cities NSW has been successful in securing funding for a business case to develop infrastructure solutions to road freight choke points across regional cities. 

Work on the business case is progressing well and interim findings suggest that over 100 pinch points have already been identified in the regional road network.

The New South Wales Regional Transport Pinch Point Program recognises that freight transportation networks are not defined by local government boundaries and require a coordinated response to identify constraints and provide viable solutions. RCNSW is seeking to develop a program which provides infrastructure solutions to road freight choke points across regional cities.

While significant planning and coordination of freight-based infrastructure is undertaken for the state road network by Transport NSW, no such planning is undertaken of the local road network (the majority of the NSW road network), which RCNSW has identified as a huge gap and critical failing in our road network.

We would like to acknowledge and thank the New South Wales Government for the funding and support to enable this important project to proceed.

Edwina Blackburn